Tips for Tree Planting and Pruning

by | Mar 7, 2019 | Tree Service

Mature trees add character to a home’s landscape. As the seasons change, trees change as well providing a unique focal point. However trees need to be located, planted and maintained properly to grown and mature properly. Professional landscapers have many Tips for Tree Planting to help homeowners to successfully use trees in their landscape. The homeowner has to decide if they want large trees or smaller dwarf varieties. Larger trees are harder to prune and will shed many more leaves than the dwarf varieties. While the homeowner may be able to care for smaller trees, they may have to hire professional arborists to at least prune their trees once a year.

Homeowners should mulch their trees at least once a year. A rich mulch cover will help a tree survive severe drought conditions because it helps the soil retain moisture. Mulch also contains nutrients which are transferred to the soil as it decomposes. Weeds have a hard time thriving under mulch, so the tree doesn’t have to compete with them.

When trees are planted in the proper location they can provide shade and lower a home’s air conditioning costs by as much as 10 to 15 percent. Because the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, homeowners should plant their largest shade trees to the east and west of their home.

While homeowners may find it easy to follow some of these Tips For Tree Planting in Tampa FL, they may have a harder time figuring out how to prune their trees. It’s important for both the tree’s appearance and health that it be pruned correctly. They are an expensive landscaping investment and it is upsetting to lose one. While trees can be pruned at any time, a certified arborist from Mid-Florida Tree Service, Inc. can more easily and accurately assess a tree during the winter when it has lost its leaves. There are also trees such as oaks and elms that are very susceptible to deadly infections. It is safer to prune them the during the winter when they are dormant.

Pruning larger trees can require a bucket truck or other heavy equipment. Frozen ground supports them much more effectively than summer landscape. Performing this work in the winter will minimize any damage to existing landscape. There are also fewer plants in the garden which could be injured if a limb falls on them.

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