Steps Necessary For Effective Pest Control In Boynton Beach Florida

by | May 16, 2018 | Pest Control

A restaurant should be cleaned thoroughly on a regular basis, and food scraps should be disposed of each day. Even if a restaurant owner and their employees do their best to maintain the cleanliness of a restaurant, a pest infestation can occur. If a couple of German cockroaches are spotted in the kitchen of an establishment, the following tips will assist with removing them from the premises.

Remove Loose Items And Spray

Trash cans, carts or any other loose items that are in a kitchen should be removed and placed in another part of the restaurant. Dishes and silverware should be placed inside of storage bins before being moved. An appointment needs to be made with exterminators who provide Commercial Pest Control in Boynton Beach Florida.

During an extermination session, the interior of a restaurant will be inspected to determine the severity of an infestation. In many cases, pest control experts can pinpoint how pests are entering a restaurant and can offer advice that will prevent future infestations.

Sanitize Surfaces

After a pesticide has been administered, several hours will need to pass before cleaning the kitchen. Roaches that have died will be visible on counters, flooring and other surfaces in the room. The individual who is cleaning the kitchen should wear gloves and a face mask during the cleaning process.

As long as plenty of time has passed, the scent of the pesticide that was sprayed shouldn’t be very strong, but it still could smell slightly unpleasant. A disinfectant should be used to sanitize surfaces. Flooring needs to be swept and mopped. Before putting dishes and silverware away, each item should be washed and dried.

Request Inspections A Couple Times Each Year

A restaurant owner and each staff member should continue to follow a rigorous cleaning schedule. At the end of every shift, food scraps and additional trash should be bagged and placed in an outdoor receptacle.

Above & Beyond Pest Control or another company that provides Commercial Pest Control in Boynton Beach Florida should be contacted for routine inspections. If the premises are inspected, and pesticides are applied a couple of times each year, roaches and other pests will not become a nuisance.

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