3 Reasons Why Smart Owners Replace House Siding in Colorado Springs

by | Mar 6, 2018 | Home Improvement

Thrifty Colorado Springs homeowners often upgrade their homes instead of moving. Replacing House Siding in Colorado Springs is one of the most popular upgrades, because it offers impressive returns on investment. Owners instantly and dramatically improve curb appeal. During projects contractors find and correct structural problems. Installing new siding can also make homes more energy efficient.

New Siding Increases Curb Appeal

Time and weather takes a toll on House Siding in Colorado Springs and eventually can cause colors to fade. Older siding can even make an otherwise well-maintained property look drab and dated. However, suppliers now offer a wide range of vibrant siding materials that can make a huge difference. Clients are generally offered a range of steel and vinyl products that mimic exterior materials like wood. They can be applied vertically or horizontally, to give property a whole new look. Professionally-installed replacement siding is also elegantly finished and will increase property values.

Homeowners Can Correct Structural Damage

Another popular reason to replace siding is that it gives contractors a chance to examine homes for hidden damage. In fact, homeowners who feel that rainwater may have caused structural problems often schedule estimates for siding projects at sites like Website Domain. Contractors not only take note of visible damages, but also examine homes for signs of issues like delaminating plywood, deteriorating studs or damaged floor framing. Specialists can repair problems they find without causing any further damage. In many cases having repairs done during siding projects saves homeowners the costs of separate repair projects, especially if they are delayed and damage gets worse.

Siding Projects Allow Owners to Increase Energy Efficiency

Homeowners can make homes more energy efficient during siding projects. Many older homes lack adequate wall insulation because they were built at a time when it was just too expensive. During siding upgrades contractors can install blown-in insulation. Some owners who already have insulation add extra rigid foam insulation to increase homes’ energy efficiency.

Homeowners who want to give their homes instant face lifts that increase property values often upgrade siding. During projects contractors also have a chance to repair structural damage. In addition, many clients also have contractors add or increase home insulation during projects, in order to make homes more energy efficient.

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